The story of the Subrenum vocal group (klapa), whose name comes from the ancient name for Zupa dubrovacka "sub brenum" and the story of its members, the true promoters of klapa singing and cultural values in general, began in 1992.
By nurturing autochtonous national heritage through vocal expression and multipart a cappella interpretation all these years from its founding to the present day, Subrenum has been at the very top of klapa scene.
Ever since it was founded, the klapa Subrenum has represented the Croatian tourism and culture by promoting traditional musical heritage as a segment of the autochtonous cultural heritage of Zupa Dubrovacka, Dubrovnik-Neretva County, Dalmatia and the whole of Croatia. Their consistency and quality have been recognized and evidenced by many remarkable performances at festivals, fairs, gatherings and presentations in the country and abroad, a number of medals and awards, and four CDs.
These enthusiasts and lovers of the Dalmatian song decided to include instrumental accompaniment to their repertoire (mandolin, mandola, mandoloncello, guitar and double bass), and so continued to foster the tradition and characteristic musical forms of Dubrovnik. In doing that, they have also gained a greater recognition in the klapa circles.
In addition to many performances throughout Croatia, they have performed five times in the United States, as well as in Russia, Italy, Slovenia, Belgium, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany etc, where they have proudly presented the beauty of authentic Dalmatian and Dubrovnik song with great success.
The klapa Subrenum is the winner of numerous prestigious awards at the international level, the most important of which are:
- gold medal at the 13th International Choral Festival in Verona,
- gold in the category of small choirs at the 16th International Festival of Advent and Christmas Music in Prague, and
- four gold medals at the International Folklore Festival and Competition Interfolk in St Petersburg.
The concert in Dubrovnik, with the accompaniment of the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra and recorded as a live album "Ako sada spavas", marked the beginning of the third decade of their successful work, which was further confirmed by the absolute win at the Festival of klapa singing "Uz mandoline i gitare" in Makarska in 2014.
Apart from extensive preparations for this year's festivals and performances, they are recording in the studio and preparing their new, fifth CD.